$10 thousand donation to 9/11 memorial project

Harris donatioin The committee raising money for an Oconee County 9-11 memorial has received its largest donation so far—-$10 thousand dollars from Dr. John Harris, Seneca resident. The committee overseeing planning and fundraising describes Harris as having been moved to contribute after hearing Michael Fee of Reliable Sprinkler of Pickens County address a Keowee Key gathering about his personal ties to the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Fee’s sister escaped from one of the towers before it collapsed. From his company’s New Jersey headquarters, Fee witnessed what happened and said personal issues that morning saved two of his company’s workers from keeping scheduled appointments at the trade center. Anyone who would like to learn more about the memorial project or contribute to its construction can call 985-2446 or visit the website at mountainlakes911memorial.com. The memorial is planned on highway 11, just north of the new Walhalla High, and will be centered on artifacts obtained from the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.