$700 thousand to complete the job!

Funding has been identified and recommended to pay for re-making a Seneca utilities building that, when finished, will house personnel—-including the director of utilities.  The city council’s Light and Water Committee consented yesterday to recommending the city spend $700 thousand on the LoweryBuilding on N. Second Street.  Four-hundred thousand of which is described as what’s left in the budget set aside for the general contractor.  That contractor is nearing the finish of other utility projects, such as a warehouse and lay-down yard.  Utilities Superintendent Bob Faires says planned for the LoweryBuilding are new lockers for workers, six shower facilities, meeting space, paving, and fencing.  Faires envisions moving his office from City Hall to the LoweryBuilding.  The offices of Planning and Community Development are likely to take up the space that Faires and his office will vacate.