Downtown gets “striped”

On new asphalt sections of Walhalla’s Main Street striping has begun to appear to help motorists navigate the new road created by Streetscape.  And Wahallans are beginning to notice and talk about the new lines and turn arrows.  It was a topic during last night’s city council meeting.  From today’s report from the contractor, “…as you noticed we were able to get partial striping on the new asphalt between Tugaloo and Catherine.  Striping will continue as soon as the pavement is dry.” Hutch ‘N Son is stressing this safety caution:  “…I want to emphasize the importance of driving in the one lane provided.  Both East and West Entrances to the 4 Block area have been striped to show that there is only one lane that passes thru Town.  The extra looking lane is the back-out lane.  Please do not drive in that lane.”