Editorial—Why Elder Care Act so important to OMC

The administrator for Lila Doyle stood before the board of directors at Oconee Medical Center and explained why the Elder Care Justice Act is important to everyone—-and especially the directors. Lila Doyle administrator Keith Paul delivered a sobering message when he told the hospital directors that, in the event they should become aware of abuse or neglect and don’t report it, they become criminally liable. Let us repeat that. Or better yet quote the exact words of the Lila Doyle administrator when he said, “You and I can now be held criminally liable.”

Paul said the federal government is involved by law to ensure that when the elderly are admitted to nursing and rehabilitation facilities, such as Lila Doyle, they get proper care and protection from someone stealing personal their possessions.

Those who make up the OMC board of directors are, in a sense, the cream of the crop when it comes to community leadership. They serve voluntarily without compensation. So, you can empathize with one board member who reacted to Paul by saying, “Thanks for telling us we can go to jail.” But that same director added he’s confident Paul’s administration will see to it that the elderly are protected.

It’s not just Lila Doyle to which the Elder Care Justice Act applies. It applies to the hospital, to hospice, and to those served by the Tribble Activity Center. And that’s good for all of us.

That’s our view. What’s yours?