Graham-Mulvaney discuss federqal budget

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), member of the Senate Budget Committee, today questioned Director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Mick Mulvaney on the Trump Administration’s budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2018.  Here’s a tgranscribed exceprt:  GRAHAM: “But here’s what the president needs to do. He needs to look people in the eye and tell them that [doing nothing about Medicare and Social Security insolvency] is an impossible promise if you’re serious about getting out of debt. Now, Mr. President, quit playing the game that everyone else plays up here. By 2042, Medicare and Social Security alone will consume all the revenue sent to Washington. That’s the projection.” GRAHAM: “You can’t skip over Medicare, you can’t skip over Social Security if you’re serious about preventing us from becoming Greece. And to skip over these programs is to allow them to die over time. The one thing I would say to my Republican colleagues who believe you don’t need entitlement reform, including the president: To keep us from becoming Greece, you’re wrong. And Mr. Mulvaney, you know the right solution.”