Nearly one year in, hospital finances stable

Oconee Memorial Hospital officials viewed a visit by their U-S congressman as an opportune time to impress on the lawmaker the continuing challenges that small, rural hospitals face.  Those challenges have much to do with smaller re-imbursements to cover Medicare and Medicaid payments.  Yet nearly a year into joining Greenville Health System, the financial picture for Oconee Memorial is better, in the opinion of Hunter Kome, president of Oconee Medical Campus.  Kome says being part of a larger organization with greater financial standing is boost of confidence to Oconee’s creditors.

Congressman Jeff Duncan toured Oconee Memorial Hospital this week and spoke with the hospital's top leaders--Hunter Kome and Jeanne Ward

Congressman Jeff Duncan toured Oconee Memorial Hospital this week and spoke with the hospital’s top leaders–Hunter Kome and Jeanne Ward