Oconee’s stretch of I-85 and human trafficking

Practically a midpoint between Atlanta and Charlotte, Oconee County’s four-mile stretch of I-85 is apt to be the scene of human trafficking.  And Sheriff Mike Crenshaw wants the county to be pro-active.  Human trafficking affects all walks of life in the United States and victims can be U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, visa holders and undocumented workers.  The victims will often not seek help or perhaps identify themselves as victims because of a variety of factors, including being instructed by traffickers.  “The victims are exploited as either forced laborers or coerced through fraud or force to become sex slaves,” says Crenshaw.  “Human trafficking can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race or economic standing.  Often times, victims are coerced due to the fact of debt, for example, or they or their families may have been threatened in some way.  There are many victims who are under the age of 18.”   Signs of human trafficking include:

·      A minor who is unaccompanied at night.

·      Someone who is having their movement and their use of communications devices restricted

·      A victim who is being drugged or coached to ensure compliance

·      Signs of a victim being malnourished or obvious physical signs of injury

·      A victim who is wearing only minimal clothing or is scantily clad

·      A group of young victims displaying above signs exiting a vehicle all at one time.

If you suspect someone could be a victim of human trafficking, you can contact your local law enforcement agency or the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text help to 233733.  You can also visit the website of the National Trafficking Resource Center at https://humantraffickinghotline.org/.