PMPA approves rate increase to member cities

The board of directors at Piedmont Municipal Power Agency in Greer today raised the rates it charges for wholesale electric service. The 4% increase, effective May 1, will apply to PMPA’s 10-member cities that rely on the consortium for their power supply. Westminster is one of those member cities. Joel Ledbetter, chairman of the board of directors, said, “Over the last year, PMPA has experienced upward pressure on its rates due to several factors. We have seen a significant increase in the cost of operating and maintaining Catawba.” The consortium of cities has 25% ownership of Unit Two of the Catawba Nuclear Station in York County. Projects underway there, as required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, included changes in response to the 2011 accident at a Japanese nuclear plant and upgrades to Catawba’s fire protection system, according to Coleman Smoak, PMPA General Manager.