Smith bows out, Grant re-appointed


Westminster auto repairman Rhett Smith has the thanks of his city for service well done.  At the start of last night’s city council meeting, Smith announced he did not wish to be re-appointed to a new term as a city representative to the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority.  He explained that he had enjoyed his service not only as a county sewer commissioner, but earlier as a member of Westminster’s former Commission of Public Works.  But, he said, it’s time for him to step down.  Smith recommended the city’s new administrator, Chris Carter, as his replacement, and Carter said he would accept, though Councilwoman Susan Ramey said she was interested in serving in the event Carter did not want the appointment.  The council then named Carter as Smith’s replacement and re-appointed Walhalla area resident Tally Grant to continue for a new term.  According to Mayor Brian Ramey, Grant serves at the pleasure of both the cities of Walhalla and Westminster and was agreeable to serving again.