Students trek to school on frigid morning

Oconee public school students were asked to report for class on the coldest morning of the winter, but the decision to hold school at regular time reflected more than the need to educate. The fact, according to the county’s first-year superintendent, is that Oconee public schools are often more than a place for children to hit the books. “A lot of our concern was for the students who don’t have good situations at home. There are students in Oconee County whose houses may not be warm and who don’t get warm meals,” Dr. Dr. Michael Thorsland told 96.3 WGOG NEWS. School authorities say hot school breakfasts are served for those who need them. Some of those breakfasts are served in the classrooms. Barbara Wilson, official U-S Weather Observer, recorded 8 degrees as the official low temperature. Some school districts in colder climates across the country closed for the day. But Thorsland says he believes his district made the right decision to run today.  Today’s absence rate was about 7.25% which Thorslands says is about avaergae this time of winter.