Tempering the Lindsey Graham excitement

From his perch at Clemson, a political scientist likely can still hear the roar that was downtown Central yesterday. But a day later, Dave Woodard is applying a seasoned view of the chances for Oconee County resident Lindsey Graham to reach the White House. While Graham is expected to run strong in South Carolina’s Republican primary in February, there is business first in both Iowa and New Hampshire. And Woodard predicts a lot of fallout as the result of Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. He raises the question of whether Graham will still be a viable candidate by the time the South Carolina primary rolls around. Yet, Woodard concedes, that the long Graham survives in the primary season, the greater chance that he’ll have to eventually endorse another candidate of his liking. And should that candidate win, there could be a cabinet job for Graham—if Graham is willing to leave his Senate term.