Transit Task Force makes recommendation

Five seats at the table were empty, but a lack of attendance last night did not stop other members of Oconee’s Transit Task Force from recommending the county push forward with passenger bus service. After receiving a feasibility study from an outside consultant, the advisory task force committee agreed to ask County Council to establish two new routes—one from Seneca to Walhalla and the other from Seneca to Westminster. It’s possible that a third route, from Walhalla to Westminster to complete a loop connecting the three cities, will be added later. According to County Administrator Scott Moulder, task force chairman, the project will rely on state and federal grants to pay for the bulk of the costs, leaving local governments with 25% of the bill. The two routes would become part of the Seneca Transit Authority, which operates a free passenger service in the Seneca area that now uses all electric-powered buses. Moulder says Seneca City Administrator Greg Dietterick is all aboard with the idea. Both Moulder and Chip Berger of the consultant company URS describe the venture as doable. Last night’s recommendation will be forwarded to a meeting of the Oconee County Council.