Voters Tuesday should be patient

At times, voting lines will be long on Tuesday in Oconee, but the county’s elections office promises everything will be done to avoid wait times.  Still, those voting at the polls are requested to be patient.  There are things that individual voters can do to speed the process. Go to and view their sample ballot, be ready to vote, and have a photo I-D ready.  If you vote in Seneca, remember there are four separate precincts inside the Shaver Recreation Complex. You can go to to see which Seneca precinct to vote in:  1, 2, 3 or 4.  Joy Scharich, elections director, says, the worst thing that could happen is if you get in the wrong line and then have to move to the correct line and wait again.  If you do not have access to the internet, call the county office before you go to vote and the staff can explain which precinct is yours.