Westminster funds swim pool opening


Susan Ramey will place a call this morning to David Stokes.  The Westminster city councilwoman is hopeful the office of the county’s building codes department will see fit to allow for the re-opening of the city’s swimming pool, closed since 2012.  Applause rang out in the Westminster City Council meeting room when the council voted last night to fund the estimated costs to re-open and operate the pool this season.  But there was concern at the meeting table.  Mayor Brian Ramey said he is 100% in favor as long as county building codes approves.  Teresa Bryson, speaking for a citizens committee working to return public swimming to her city, said South Carolina “D-HEC” had approved a variance that will allow Westminster to use a temporary building for showers and a ticket booth.  One of the expense items is an ADA-approved lift seat that will cost $2,250.  After the city administrator assured the mayor and council that funding what is non-budgeted expense won’t land the city in the red, the council voted to allocate $15 thousand dollars.  Councilwoman Susan Ramey said four individuals certified by the Red Cross are interested in working as lifeguards.