Above Average Rainfall-More Predicted


Last week’s rain-fall has the total for July almost twice the average rainfall for the month. Forecasters are predicting more rain in the coming week. Walhalla’s official weather observer Barbara Wilson reports the total rainfall so far for July is 8.26 Inches. The average July rainfall, based on totals reported between 1981 and 2010, is 5.09 inches. The total rainfall for the year is also significantly higher than usual. Based on historical data, the average rainfall for the period January 1 through June 30 is 28.12 inches.  Total rainfall for the same period this year has been 43.15 inches.  Forecasters are predicting more rain this week. Although steady rain is not expected, forecasters say locally heavy showers are possible which may cause flash flooding due to saturated soil conditions and higher than usual water levels in the lakes, rivers and stream
