Hotel developer: “It is gong to happen”

Tom Markovich concedes progress is slow, but he and his partner will make good on their plan to deliver a hotel—one block from Walhalla’s downtown business district.  Markovich, accompanied by partner Herb Witter, appeared before the city council with a sketch of what they envision the former courthouse will look like in their remodeling project.  But it is a hard slog for the developers as they continue to pursue federal government tax credits that they have targeted to be able to finance the project.  Still no name for the hotel and its size has been reduced to 19 rooms.  But Markovich spoke with a degree of excitement last evening when he told the mayor and council that the hotel will include a restaurant, a pub, and possibly a spa.  He said they have engaged an architectural firm in Aiken that specializes in drawing new uses for old buildings.