Norman Dukes to beat the pavement one more time

Norman Dukes, who retires this year as a school resource officer, leaves today on what will be his final walk to benefit the schools of Tamassee-Salem.  He has chosen Tamassee-Salem Elementary to benefit from the money he collects as pledges toward what he says will be a walk touching on historic events.  Dukes leaves from the school today on his way to Dahlonega, Georgia.  Money raised will help pay for this spring’s trip by Tamassee-Salem 5th graders to Washington, DC.   Dukes calls the walk across some of South Carolina and Georgia’s hilliest roads and highways a walk of historic meaning, for destination Dahlonea is the small north Georgia town where the first U-S gold rush took place and where there once was a U-S mint.  Details on how you can pledge to the cause are available today on 101/7/WGOG NEWS.  But you can make a pledge as easy as it takes to dial Dukes’s cell phone at 723-3931.