Public schools to learn from abrupt weather change

In his public school career, Steve Hanvey says this was the worst day for him, but he’s grateful that all Oconee buses made it to school on what turned out to be icy conditions without accidents and student injuries or worse.  Nevertheless, Hanvey admits, it’s a day from which he and others in the school district will draw lessons.  Hanvey talks in further detail about this in an interview airing on 101.7/WGOG NEWS.  The public schools are under early time constraints as to whether delay or cancel a day of classes.  And, at the time of today’s early morning decision, there had not been reports of black ice or slick roads.  An apparent abrupt drop in temperatures around the 7 o’clock hour led to numerous accidents in the county, including one that was fatal to a woman on her way to work.