Re-assessment notices go out in August

A reminder last night that, for Oconee property tax purposes, this is a re-assessment year.  Scott Moulder, county administrator, announced last night that the results of the countywide re-evaluation of property tax values will hit the mail in August.  The notices are not bills, but they’ll reflect any changes, such as additions or re-modeling of private property, since the last re-assessment.  And that could trigger a change on how a taxpayer’s 2017 bill is calculated.  Moulder’s marching orders from the County Council are to prepare the new budget that avoids an increase in tax millage.  During last night’s hearing on the new public schools’ budget, there was concern from two councilmen that the school district’s request for an extra $3.2 million in funding would translate to an additional three tax mills.  But Gloria Moore, the district finance director, said the hope is that new growth in the last year will wipe out any need to raise taxes for school purposes.  When asked what would happen if insufficient new growth materializes, Moore said the district’s plan is to draw down on its reserve account to balance expenses with revenues.