Stephens: “We need to make some decisions on this”

Josh Stephens, the staff liaison, gave the Oconee Planning Commission some ideas on Appalachian Rustic Elegance and how it could be applied to future building in the county.  The planning commissioners are trying to get their heads around the idea to what extent, if any, the county should insist that developers and builders follow a theme in line with the county’s natural and rural heritage.  And they are looking for a definition of the term.  To the eye, rustic elegance is said to incorporate the kind of facades that Blue Ridge Bank uses.  And thru an agreement with the county, the developers of the Hartwell Village commercial project near Clemson have committed to using the rustic elegance theme.  At the meeting table last night, commissioner Mike Johnson said he believes adherence to rustic elegance should be the responsibility of the county’s planning staff—rather than the creation of an architectural review board of Oconee County residents.