The skinny on Streetscape

The showing of a 3-D concept video of how Streetscape might look in Walhalla generated questions and comments during a mayor and city council-sponsored meeting last night at the Depot. That video and opening remarks made by Mayor Danny Edwards elicited mostly favorable reaction by about 35 members of the public—including merchants and downtown building owners. The evening ended with the audience applauding when Bed and Breakfast co-owner Danny Penton thanked Edwards and the city council for embarking on a project that he and others feel is long overdue. Concerns expressed by downtown building owner Jess Neville that transforming a four-block section of Main Street will cost parking spaces kick-started a discussion of how Streetscape will impact shoppers, as well as motorists passing by. And Neville challenged a claim by Neal Workman of Partners for Progress that the core business area will wind up with fewer places to park. Mayor Edwards isn’t worried about parking. He believes the project promises the economic revitalization his city cries out for, but he cautioned it will take time, patience and faith.