U-S agriculture the envy of the world!

A speaker during last night’s third annual farm to table dinner said the rest of the world can only sit back and admire the efficiency and the prowess of United States agriculture of which, Tom Dobbins says, South Carolina plays a great part. At times, farming may lack the glamour of other jobs and require hard work, but for Dobbins it was worth it. He shared his memory of getting up as early as 2 in the morning to begin chores on his father’s farm at Townville—an experience that bode well for the son, who now chairs Clemson University’s agriculture division. Dobbins paid special attention to the teenage members of the FFA, who will make for business leaders of tomorrow. “These are the types of young people who will go on and take these bio-technology jobs that will change the world, will change the way we produce agriculture,” he said.